Whistles Fashion

Mountain Biking Fashion
By Sydney Garrison

Mountain bikers often think that the bicycle itself is the only important part of the sport. Sometimes, large amounts of money will be spent on purchasing a top of the line bike with all the bells and whistles. While it is important to purchase a safe bicycle that meets your specific needs, the bike itself is not the only place that you will be spending money. Two other areas are equally if not more important to your experience. Those areas are safety equipment and clothing.

You may laugh, you are out on the trail to have fun and feel good and explore, you don't care how you look and you aren't trying to win any fashion contests. While this is true, the quality and appropriateness of your clothing can have a great impact on your mountain biking excursions. When looking for mountain biking clothing, it is important to keep a few things in mind. First of all, what type of weather will you be riding in. If the majority of your cycling is done in extremely hot weather, you will not need to worry about protecting yourself from the cold. You will most likely want to purchase comfortable, breathable mountain biking shorts. These will allow you the greatest mobility while ensuring that you are comfortable and happy.

Often times, you will encounter unexpected weather along your trail. When rain and mud become a reality, it is helpful to have a pair of mountain bicycling waterproofs to protect you from the elements. These are lightweight and extremely breathable, and still afford you all of the freedom of movement necessary to continue your journey. Gloves and shoes made specifically for mountain biking and practically necessities as well. Gloves will protect your hands from blisters when you ride long distances and will also prevents cuts and scrapes when traveling through heavily wooded areas. Shoes allow your feet to breathe while ensuring that you have a proper grip on the pedals and do not slip off while riding. They should keep your feet cool and dry to prevent discomfort.

The most important part of your mountain bicycling trip is your safety gear. No matter how experienced or talented a rider you are, accidents happen. The only way to protect yourself and ensure that the least possible damage is done, is to wear proper safety gear. Your primary source of protection: your helmet. Do not skimp in this area, having the proper fitting and well constructed helmet can mean the difference between surviving an accident and not. Eye protection, such as goggles or fitted glasses are also important to protect your eyes from debris and traveling through heavily wooded areas.

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