Keeping the Team Hydrated

Expand a Sign headquarters is a hub of design, creativity, and good old fashioned hard work. Our employees and their wellbeing are important to us. Keeping our staff happy and healthy is a top priority (discount that last paintball trip - pain and suffering was the mission of that day).

Which is why we have invested in a device that not only purifies the drinking water in our factory and office building, but also enlivens and alters the structure of damaged water by enriching it with thousands of positive frequencies and healthy energy to bring it back to its natural state. I was skeptical at first. Why install an appliance purely on the promise that it will regain and maintain my level of health? Subscribing to the school of thought that being healthy meant adding ice cubes to my gin 'n tonic, I was never one to clamber for the latest health fad or jump at this month's '10 steps to smoother skin'.  And a daily intake of 2 litres of water meant the inconvenience of more trips to the bathroom, so I didn't stick to that New Years Resolution for very long.

The point of this unique Gie Water Activator device is that the key to healthy, enlivened water lies in its natural whirling, swirling and vortexing motion. Not only can water cleanse itself both chemically and physically through this motion but the Gie Water Activator is a device that can mimic the simple yet powerful process of nature’s dynamic ways: turning lifeless, inactive water back into its living state.

Great - so I can now shlurp my Gin 'n Tonic (on the rocks) through a straw to activate some twirling, swirling action, allowing the water to pirouette down my throat and dance it's way into each nucleus of each cell.

No. Not quite.

But we genuinely believe in this process. In the one month since we have installed our Water Activator, we have already noticed some benefits. From subsiding of skin disorders to a general sense of wellbeing, it seems that energised water really does result in energised bodies.

To learn more about the Gie Water Activator from Spyralyx, go to

EAS Team.

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